Five ways to control high blood pressure

High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. High blood pressure depends on eating, exercise, emotional stress. However, changing the lives some of the experts said that control high blood pressure easily.

You need follow some steps for control high blood pressure.

High Blood pressure

1. Healthy Eating :

Healthy Eating


The experts are said that to control high blood pressure need to eat healthy foods. To control high blood pressure you need keep vegetables, grains, dairy products in your daily food list.As well as white meat, fish, nut etc add your food list. Avoid sweetener processed food.

2. Reduce sodium in take :

Sodium Processed Food


The experts are said that a little sodium in take can reduce blood pressure. The amount of salt in processed food , so we need to avoid canned food. For example, potato chips, and packaged foods. Therefore, experts advise to reduce the amount of salt in take and high blood pressure under control.

3. Take manual labor :

High blood pressure increases the risk of  heart disease. Exercise is the only way to stay free. patient of high blood pressure if can take exercise regularly they can reduce their problem. Experts said that  take 30 munuties of exercise five days at least in week and whenever possible, trying to lift up the stairs.

4. Test weight :

Over weight is major cause of high blood pressure. keep the weight under control. Cheek often to make sure the weight is increasing.


5. Take rest and relax the brain :

Take rest and Relax brain

Rest is very important for body . Sufficient of sleep keeps the body fit. So, try to stay relax and stress.

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