Natural Health Tips

Natural Health Tips

Natural Health Tips
Natural Health Tips

You may think it's a little unusual for a woman to be prostate problems naturopath discuss, but do not have a matrix Partner of colorectal cancer and the spread of cancer in their prostate. I am missing.

He had no idea that alternative treatments had that could do for her cancer. He knew something was wrong, but when he went to his doctor, who could not find anything. He became a veterinarian, who worked at a teaching hospital, so was the stables, left the ultrasound machine and did an ultrasound at the site of the body that hurts. He saw what he thought was a song, so he took a videotape of the process, took his doctor who sees the tape and said, "My God, I think you're right," So was planned operation, but if it is open, cancer had progressed too far. It closed without doing anything and sent home to die. What did?

I decided that if I could help someone lifestyle to develop changes to overcome the cancer of any kind or to prevent half that would do just that - and there are some basic things that anyone can do to prevent and beat cancer , It turns out that to do some specific things people for prostate health as share.

Statistics prostate disease:

Prostate disease usually begins after age 35
At the age of 50, more than 25% of men have an enlarged prostate
In 70 years, which has increased to over 50% and 80 years, which is 80%

Signs of prostate dysfunction symptoms are numerous obstruction of the bladder such as:

Until more normal that a number of liquids you urinate taking
You can not her bladder all the way or feelings of incomplete evacuation empty
Increased urination
A small jet of urine - it's time to empty the bladder
The foam in the urine Separations SIGN protein in the urine (signs of kidney disease)
Reeling with intermittency and decreased urine output
Terminal dribbling or incontinence
Pain during intercourse, burning during urination, feeling of tension around the base of the penis, back pain, blood in urine or an orange color underwear can be another cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Products that can maintain the health of the prostate and reduce PSA scores:

Saw palmetto is the herb of choice for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate tones affect hormones in a positive way and is also a urine means. Tonic value: reinforces and strengthens the body's own tissue and promotes muscle mass. Anabolic. Hormonal: good effects of estrogen for impotence, decreased libido, or is absent, testicular atrophy, premature ejaculation (in women has been up used for breast augmentation) remedy saw palmetto in the urine, is "known catheter system" as, because it strengthens the neck of bladder and helps reduce enlarged prostate glands. It is used as a diuretic for urinary flow (parsley oil is ideal for this as well) and acts as a urinary antiseptic in cystitis improve. Take up to 3 capsules per day.

Pumpkin seeds (raw helmet of choice for BPH) Dose: 4 tablespoons / day and peeled raw. Sources: blueberries, local cooperatives, Winco transactions (about 1.75 $ / lb) and healthy eating

The food is the strongest drug, but, "if a little is good, a lot is not necessarily better." many of them food you can give diarrhea. All you is a pair / day need maximum tablespoons.

With pumpkin seeds:

Put through the oven in a bowl and eat a small handful of once per day
Put them in sandwiches, if you like crises
Put them in omelets and salads
Put them in stir-fries or steamed vegetables
In the cookie recipes
Raw fruits: 1-2 cups / day

Crudités: 1 to 2 cups / day. If you do not chew, juice!

Meals for prostate health are:

Oil-- wheat germ (rich in zinc and opens the large seeds vesicles- for infertility) Dose: 1/3 tea / day or 3 capsules / day.
Oatmeal (Avena Sativa) - Great source of zinc and fiber same blood type O. Dose: boiled cup of oatmeal per day or 3 cups / week.
Recommended Parsley-- a super source of minerals and high for most health problems. Dosage: 2 tablespoons / chopped day.
I think zucchini--, there is a reason why God made excess zucchini. Dose: 5 cooked or raw in the week mugs.
Yellow Dock tea-- dose: 1 cup / day maximum. Do not use if you have sensitive teeth or gouty arthritis.
Watermelon is a great diuretic and good for the kidneys and prostate. Dose: 3 cups / day in season.
No sugar cranberry concentrate: For urinary tract infection, you want to add the unsweetened cranberry concentrate on your diet for a few weeks. This is not cranberry juice on the shelf with all the sugar. You can get this product to the cooperative or blueberries. It comes in a bottle 8 ounces and cost about $ 8 Dose: 2 tablespoons / day. Follow with water and have a milder taste. Cranberry causes hardening of the sphincter of the bladder and makes the interior of the bladder to be softer so that bacteria can not adhere to it. Good brands are Knudson or Tree of Life.
Techniques to help the prostate:

Ledge massage technique - Move lymph approx 3 min / day. Lying in bed, face upward, the leg massage stick to your body to the heart. Pay particular attention to the lower abdomen just above the base of the penis. Be gentle. It should not hurt, but you should feel the pressure.
Full body massage - Once a week is better, but every two weeks is a minimum, you should strive for.
Reflex points - the Achilles tendon and heel. Massaging each leg about 5 minutes / day.
Exercise: dead weight lifting to increase circulation in the pelvic area. Start light. Inhale while lifting weights. Exhale as you fall. Bend your knees. Tighten the buttocks, pull your shoulders back and stick to the chest. Do about 2 sets of 10 / day and work from there. Do not overcook. Rehearsals are much better for your body than the amount of weight you lift.
The test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA). What's this? How often? How is it celebrated?

PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a protein that is only produced by the prostate gland. The current recommendation is a PSA test done once to get the year after 50 years other doctors less often recommend tests. I support this basic level test performed, so that if a problem is in the future, there is something to compare. Some men have a predisposition to prostate cancer or have had cancer. For this group, the most frequently recommended the PSA test.

PSA tests can be high, including a number of reasons:

Benign prostate enlargement (BPE)
Age or race (blacks have a higher PSA. The Indians have the least amount of PSA)
PSA Score:

0-4 ng / ml normal
4-10 ng / ml is slightly higher
10-20 ng / ml is moderately high
> 20 is considered high
There are two types of PSA - free and united.

The free fraction increases with benign enlargement of the prostate and the participation of student’s tumor attached Group. Since there are two false-negative and false-positive tests, scientists are still studying various aspects of prostate specific antigen.

The "Finger Test" can bring prostate, but PSA rise may accompany the prostate.

OK, men ... Now go and take care of them, because we love you and want you to be for a while.

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